Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Providing an Extra Layer of Security and Privacy When Browsing the Web

An increase in cyber-attacks and identity theft seems to make the Internet like a scary place these days. But computers and the Internet, realistically, have moved on to become a “need” in terms of work and even at home.

However, we often take to pause on the enormity of cyber-hacking attacks such as the one announced last year but had been going on since 2014 of a billion dollar identity theft from almost a billion Yahoo Mail users. 

But since browsing the web is an almost daily necessity both at home and at work, how can individuals protect and lay a sort of extra layer of security and privacy for their network and computers?

Make your password really hard to hack
Hard passwords include upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters. They should be at least eight characters in length. They should also not use words or dates easy for hackers to find, like your pet’s name or your birthday.

Then, change your password regularly
A very common mistake made by users is to create one hard password, but then never change it. Remembering a long list of complicated passwords can be difficult. But no password is unbreakable. Hackers are better able to hack multiple accounts if those accounts all have the same password so never use one password for all your accounts. You can change your passwords annually.

Clear your browser history
This goes for your home computer, your work computer, or your friend’s iPad that are used on a daily basis. Internet browsers like Firefox or Chrome keep track of where you’ve been and what you’ve done online. They keep records of every site you visited. Information about what you sent from or saved on your computer can be kept for days or weeks. It is very easy for anyone who sees that information to steal a detailed record of your online activities.

Don’t use free Wi-Fi
An increasing number of public places now offer free wireless access to the Internet. Often, a user does not need a password to connect to these wireless networks. These services might be useful, but they’re also an easy way for hackers to access everything on your device. Unless you really need it, it is best not to use it, and don’t access financial accounts using free Internet.

Watch what you click
One of the most successful ways hackers infect your computer is through a technique called phishing. This occurs when someone opens an e-mail attachment that looks real. But the attachment is actually a virus that immediately infects the user’s computer. If someone sends you a file or a website you did not ask for, it is best not to click on it.

Avoid using public computers
Those without a computer or Internet access at home often use Internet cafes to get online. However, the more different people use a computer, the more likely a virus or malware has infected it.

Have anti-virus protection
There are many anti-virus programs available. They can offer many different types of computer protection. Some anti-virus services are even free. They are a great way to have something professional keep users one step ahead of hackers.

Be careful while using flash drives
Flash drives are small and easy storage devices to use across different computers. They are a popular device that people use to exchange files and documents. They can also spread viruses easily across computers and networks.

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