Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Using Advanced Search Operators to Narrow Down Search Results for Certain Computer Problems

What are Advanced Search Operators?

Advanced search operators are words that are added to online searches to help narrow down the results. There are also certain punctuation marks you can use with or without using the advanced search words. If however, the punctuation marks don’t give better results, better suggested results will be shown without the punctuation.

For example:

Operator Word
How to use it

Get results from certain sites or domains.
Examples: wifi problem:lifehacker.com


Find sites that are similar to a web address you already know.
Example: related: internet connection


Find pages that might use one of several words.
Example: router issues OR router problems


Get information about a web address, including the cached version of the page, similar pages, and pages that link to the site.
Example: info:google.com


See what a page looks like the last time Google visited the site.
Example: cache:washington.edu

For punctuation examples:

How to use it

Search for Google+ pages or blood types
Examples: +Chrome or  AB+


Find social tags
Example: @agoogler


Find prices
Example: nikon $400


Find popular hashtags for trending topics
Example: #TechTips


When you use a dash before a word or site, it excludes sites with that info from your results. This is useful for words with multiple meanings, like Jaguar the car brand and jaguar the animal.
Examples: printer multi -function or printers -site:wikipedia.org

Advanced search operators or search words are the cornerstone of good, but old-school-type search engine optimization (SEO), that is, the art of SEO without the modern tools. What’s more these advanced search words can be used on all major search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

In a world that is saturated with search software tools, advanced operators are the best solution for the common human being who has no access to any type of search tool. Whether with regular or complex use the user gains a better understanding of advanced search commands and will definitely become a lot more resourceful when doing even just basic site searching, link prospecting, and finding certain search results.

In terms of searching for specific computer problems, advanced search operators can be the bread and butter of even the most amateur user searching for any type of computer problem and its solutions. In reality, most tech support professionals who need to do extra research for extreme computer cases often use advanced search operators. For those simply searching to narrow down the search parameters for specific computer problems, using advanced search operators doesn’t mean you need to memorize all advanced words or punctuation since all search engines have some sort of “cheat sheet” page listing all their specific advanced search words.

On the bottom line, using these advanced search words, the computer user can more or less find what’s wrong with the computer, and probably find the solution to it. However, knowing the problem and knowing the solution doesn’t mean the user can fix the problem. Still, the best thing to do even after doing all this advanced searching would be to call a proven and professional tech support company for help.