Thursday, November 13, 2014

Manage Windows 8 Apps Directly From the Desktop with Windows App Boss

If you're a Windows 8 user, you probably have lots of Windows 8 apps installed on your computer. Too many that you don't have a clue on how manager all of them. Luckily, there is a handy tool that can do just that. Windows App Boss is a reliable tool that is designed to manage Windows 8 Modern applications. It allows users to add, register, and uninstall Windows Store apps. What's great about Windows App Boss is that you just need to download it and you can start working with it right away as it doesn't require any installation.

Using It for the First Time

The Windows App Boss tool can be downloaded from its CodePlex page. Since it doesn't need to be installed, you can already use it after you're done downloading it. When using the Windows App Boss for the first time, it will take a few seconds for it to populate its database with the apps installed on your computer. Once filled, you will see thed name, version, publisher, and family that the app belongs to. These are usually the information you don't have access to when you install or uninstall Windows 8 apps.

Installing Apps

Windows App Boss allows you to install Windows Store apps as well as test-signed apps, which may not have been approved yet by Microsoft to appear in the store. To use it, click the Install button located at the upper-left corner of the Advanced Package Installer window.

This is the utility to use when manually installing apps as opposed to installing it through the Windows Store. As always, just make sure to install apps that are from trusted sources only. Before proceeding with the installation, you have to add the package, add the dependencies, and then select the proper options. This will greatly benefit advanced users, but can also be helpful if you want to use an app that is not offered in the Windows Store yet.

Working with Apps

On the main screen, you can click on any app to view its information, to open it, or to uninstall it. Simply click an app of your choice, and then click on Settings. You'll be able to view the Settings.dat file of the app, something that you cannot view directly from the app when launched. These are the app's background settings and how it runs on Windows 8, contrary to the traditional app settings you're used to tinkering with.

You can also take snapshots of the app's state by clicking on Snap Shots. This can be useful for diagnosing problems or submitting bug reports to its developer, which will help him in improving the app.

Uninstalling Apps

You can also uninstall apps from the desktop via the Windows App Boss utility. To do this, highlight the app you want to remove, then click on Uninstall. A small pop-up screen will appear and will run through the usual uninstall process, the same way you would be uninstalling an app from the Start screen. Uninstalling an app via Windows App Boss is basically the same with doing it from the Start screen.

Developer License Management

The utility lets you manage your Windows Developer License from its program as opposed to having to go through Power Shell to do it. So if you haven't acquired a license before, you can doing so. On the Developer License Manager screen, you can manage, renew, or remove the license as necessary while you work on apps for Windows 8.

Windows Apps Boss allows you to work from the desktop and interact with apps in Windows 8 at the same time, which Microsoft lacks. If you're someone who is looking for more information on Windows 8 apps or wants to develop an app of your own, Windows Apps Boss is the perfect fit for your needs.

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