Thursday, October 6, 2016

Building Better Focus and Improving Work Productivity Using These Apps

The success of increased work productivity over the last five years or so has been attributed in no small part by the huge number of apps available to users. These handy little add-ons make life easier; there are apps for grocery shopping, banking, social networks and, of course, every type of work you can think of.

Many of these apps are actually proven to increase work productivity and enables you to perform your job better. It even provides the unique ability to work on the move in a way that hasn’t been possible since even the advent of the electronic organizer.

To take advantage of modern technology to increase your effectiveness and focus on the job, here are a few apps that have been proven to increase the productiveness of people at all levels of business.

Wunderlist is a fantastic app for every aspect of work. As the name suggests, its main function is making lists which may sound simple but it’s incredibly useful. First, it’s free and it’s extremely easy to use. You can create as many separate lists as you want, and file them accordingly to ensure your life remains organized. It also has the ability to share with multiple users. For instance, you can create a list of to-dos for a certain project, then if you’re out of the office you can assign tasks to other members of the team from your device, laptop, or tablet. You can then set a due date for that task and request a reminder to be sent if the task has yet not been ticked off.

Conference calling is an important part of how most businesses operate. It enables teams, and individuals, working in different offices around the world to brainstorm, plan and discuss. Speek is a specialist conference calling app that cuts out the fuss and lets you get on with the work. All you have to do is pick a personal link which takes the place of the traditional PIN or phone numbers and then send it to the other callers. When they want to join the call, all they have to do is click that link from their tablet, smartphone, desktop, etc., to join in.

Claiming expenses can be a time consuming process, all those forms to fill out and keeping track of those receipts. That’s where Shoeboxed proves its worth. This free app is great for people who frequently find themselves out and about in the name of business. It enables you to scan your receipts into your phone as you go, and then collates and organizes the receipts for you. That’s great especially when the time comes that you need to generate an expenses report.

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