Thursday, September 14, 2017

5 Ways to Optimize Your Gadgets to Maximize their Capabilities

Aside from a desktop computer or a laptop, there are so many tech gadgets in our lives today, and it’s important to keep these tech gadgets optimized and well-maintained periodically to keep things running smoothly. Like your desktop PC and laptop, your other tech gadgets need to be cleaned and maintained properly as well as staying well optimized.

Update your Wi-Fi router
Since all tech gadgets connect to the Internet, if you’re experiencing slow Wi-Fi speeds, spotty connections, or trouble with technologies, you might need to update the firmware of your router. Router manufacturers update firmware on a regular basis to fix issues and improve performance. The process for updating a router’s firmware is generally pretty simple but varies between brands, so it’s best to check the user manual or online documentation.

Keep the operating system and other software updated
While Apple, Android, and Windows will default to automatic downloading and installing of updates, some programs and apps on your tech gadgets and devices needs to be updated as well. It’s a good idea to manually check for updates as well, just in case. Sometimes security patches come “out of cycle,” meaning that if the vulnerability is serious, Apple, Microsoft, or Android will release a patch for it as quickly as possible. You also need to check for updates on new drivers for your tech gadgets. If you regularly use a tablet, always check the OS for updates even if the default is set to automatic.

Clear up disk space
Just like a PC and laptop, tech gadgets need to be cleaned internally, that is, old files and other unused items should be cleared out or transferred. While some phones have an SD card for more saving space and most tablets now have a big capacity, eventually, this space gets filled up fast. For tech gadgets to work faster and better, delete or transfer files not in use. Delete what you don’t need and transfer other files that aren’t needed to your PC. For instance, if you have a lot of pictures and videos from all your vacation trips stored in your gadgets, simply transfer these to your PC or an external drive.

Uninstall old unused programs and apps
Almost similar to a PC or laptop, as time goes by and your gadgets rack up space from all those downloaded programs and apps, perhaps it’s time to get rid of what you don’t need or don’t use anymore. In some cases, a few of these were never even used at all. As you remove these programs and apps, you free up more space on your gadgets and they’ll start working faster and smoothly again.

Clean your gadgets
Like a desktop PC and laptop, even tech gadgets collect a lot of dust internally, and its external features also become dirty. You can use canned or compressed air to blow out all this dust and dirt. With most tech gadgets, all you need to remove is the battery to blow out the dirt inside.

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