Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Tech Tips: A Few Good Ways to Protect Your Laptop from Dust

There are several things you can do to prevent the buildup of dust in your laptop since this can affect cooling and performance. Even in the cleanest surroundings and environments, you’ll still need to clean the inside of your computer on a regular basis, though it will be far less if you follow the prevention below.

Don’t work on or near the floor
The floor is the first place where dust builds up, and if you love sitting on or near the floor with your laptop, then you might as well put a welcome sign for all the dust entering your laptop. The higher your laptop is from the floor, the lesser dust gets in, so why not just work on your desk. On your desk, it’s also advisable to use a tower shelf to raise the laptop slightly above the desk since this also gathers up dust.

Clean your floors regularly
The more dust you clean off, the less it accumulates anywhere. Sweep or vacuum your floor and carpets on a regular basis to prevent dust from accumulating.

Dust your nearby shelves and cabinets
Like keeping the floors clean, make sure all your shelves and cabinets including their nook and crannies are kept regularly clean in order to keep dust away from your computer.

Move your computer away from doors and windows
Doors and windows tend to draw dust towards them and is therefore the entry point of all dust. Windows have a way of attracting dust even if they’re not always open and if poorly insulated. Try to situate your work desk and laptop away from windows and doors.

Install an air filter
Putting an air filter in your work room is a fairly inexpensive method to keep dust from accumulating. A single room filter is more than enough for positive results, however if you’re working in the living room, you may need to get a more complex filtration system since the area is bigger.

Avoid smoking indoors and near your laptop
Cigarette ash will increase dust buildup and too much smoke can damage laptop components. Avoid smoking indoors or near your laptop to prevent this accumulation.

Perform regular cleaning
A laptop is far easier to clean than a desktop. You don’t even need to open it up, but if you do, be extra careful since its components are very sensitive. Use compressed air to blow out dust from the inside and from the keyboard area. Use a soft brush and cleaning cloth (the type usually used to clean out eye glasses, or those sold for monitors) to clean out the keyboard and monitor. Clean out your laptop at least once a week.

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